Forbes Announces Virtual Event in Partnership with Sandbox


As time goes on, more mainstream establishments are exploring the Metaverse as a concept and the ways that it can be used to engage with consumers. One of the most recent examples of this is an upcoming Forbes event to be held in partnership with The Sandbox metaverse. 

The event is to be held on November 10, 2022, and according to Forbes, it is geared at helping users connect more to web3. 

Those who will be attending the event will be given a wearable NFT that serves as their means of entry. Once they are in, they will get to enjoy a plethora of experiences tied to the Forbes Metaverse including finding hidden parts such as the Forbes Highlander Yacht.

The Metaverse also features an NFT gallery and in attendance at the event will be virtual billionaires who are well-developed Metaverse characters with their own virtual net worth. All in all, the event will be a chance to enjoy a virtual luxury experience that Forbes says is meant to foster more community interactions and offer a unique experience. 

We’re always looking to provide more value to our members and offer them unique and engaging experiences – from the real world, Web2 and Web3. We envision this space to be a place where our community will convene, make new connections, learn, discover new ideas, entertain and have fun,” says  Vadim Supitskiy, Forbes’ Chief Technology Officer.

Sources NFT Plazas

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