Azuki Hilumia 1 Year Anniversary Announcement


Azuki has announced the release of Hilumia, a metaverse city built by the community that serves as a physical representation of the company’s past, present, and future. This allows Azuki holders or community members to explore the brand’s expansionary efforts, which are often led by the community. Hilumia is not a formal roadmap, but can be seen as an immersive version of Azuki’s Mindmap. Community members are encouraged to explore Hilumia, which features various locations such as Slowpoke’s Toy Haven, Ember Square, Golden Skate Park, Garden Express, and Food For Thought. On its one-year anniversary, Azuki also saw a rebound in its floor price, which has risen 31% over the past 30 days, and an increase in the companion collection BEANZ, which has jumped 102% over the same period.

Azuki Details

Azuki is a collection of 10,000 unique, generative avatar NFTs that were launched on January 12, 2022. Each token within the collection was created using a randomized selection of traits, and features anime-inspired artwork that is described as a blend of the game The World Ends with You and the skateboarding magazine Thrasher. Initially, the collection was intended to be sold via Dutch Auction, where the price would gradually decrease over time. However, the collection sold out in just three minutes at the initial price of 1 ETH and never reached the final sale price of 0.15 ETH.

Source NFT Culture

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