At 5.30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 29, one of ReefLine’s reef modules was launched “”Heart of Okanos” unveiled by British artist Petroc Sesti in the Cathedral of the Faena Hotel.
The ReefLine, designed by Ximena Caminos, is a 7-mile underwater sculpture park and artificial reef that runs parallel to Miami Beach’s shoreline.
This sculpture by Petroc Sesti was painstakingly built for the species that inhabit these environments, and it closely mimics the heart of a beached blue whale.
The enormous work of art, made of CarbonXinc, an experimental material with the potential to store large quantities of greenhouse gases, and seeded with living corals, will serve as a tremendous source of inspiration for other artists and environmentalists as they map out their own conservation endeavors.
Together with the Decentraland Foundation, “The virtual world version of “Heart of Okeanos” was developed “would display its digital doppelganger. In a dynamic setting, the Heart of Okeanos sculpture changes in real time based on ocean data collected in real time. The digital version was produced by the artists Juan Pablo Colasso, Bence Vargas, and ReefLines digital master planner architect Guido Elgueta, with the aid of Agustin Di Luciano for production and William Caine III for development.
When: November 30, 2:30 am Place: Genesis Plaza
Source NFT NEWspro