NFTs are taking the world by storm and are on the tip of any Web3 enthusiast’s tongue.
What started as art collectibles has quickly become the next big thing and some of the world’s largest and most successful companies are now looking into ways of implementing the technology to get ahead.
At NFTevening, we were lucky enough to speak to Tim Haldorsson, the CEO of Lunar Strategy, a leading NFT marketing company, about how he sees the industry progressing.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your experience?
“I’m sure we can all agree that marketing is key for a successful project, and this is no different when it comes to NFTs. I have worked with NFT marketing for the last three years and have helped 50+ NFT companies with their marketing strategies; I have also written for publications like Cointelegraph.”
How did you get started with NFTs?
I bought my first Axie NFT back in 2018 when it was just a hobby of mine and haven’t looked back since. Shortly after, I launched a crypto and NFT marketing agency (Lunar Strategy) which allowed me to work with Web3 to expand and opened countless opportunities to develop my knowledge and understand the future of NFTs.
What are your best free marketing tips?
Content creation utilization
One of the most important aspects of marketing is being seen and having your ideas or project shared. This isn’t something that will magically happen without putting out the correct content in the first place.
To up your chances of getting noticed, check that you’re utilising content creation to the best of your ability. Primarily, this means maximising your your content across all relevant platforms. For example: if you’ve recently had a podcast interview, why not chop up the video into short segments to post on TikTok or YouTube shorts?
PR/ Influencer marketing
Putting emphasis on PR and influencers is key, especially when it comes to Web3.
There is no better way of expanding your reach, boosting your authority in the sector, and becoming a thought leader in this space than through influencer marketing.
Social media is almost impossible to navigate without coming across some form of influencer marketing. Plus, it’s difficult to compete with projects already using it. As they say: ‘if you can’t beat them, join them.’
What is NFT marketing?
The NFT market is flooded with a wide variety of projects. In the absence of extensive promotion, your NFT project often will have trouble getting attention. Thus, developing a unique NFT marketing strategy is an easy way to boost the visibility of your project.
Marketing experts use a variety of tactics to promote an NFT, from focusing on the community to ensuring the project’s exposure on all the right platforms.
What is the core of an NFT marketing strategy?
Engage your community
Your NFT business cannot function without a community. Therefore, you should make sure you have a strong group of supporters before you drop your artwork.
An NFT community is not only a platform for promoting your offerings, but also for passing important announcements. In order to prevent the disintegration of your community, you should always incentivise action and engagement. For example, AMAs, Q&A sessions and rewards for loyal members are some of the ways to engage your community. Then, as the community grows, you can decide which market is the best place to sell your NFTs.
Expand your audience reach
NFT marketplaces give you access to new audiences. Whether it’s digital creators or art collectors, young or experienced entrepreneurs, diverse communities exist. Because of its newness and increasing real-world value, people will be ready to get involved.
Provoke interest through story-telling.
Like with all marketing, your aim is to stand out from the crowd, and the best way to do this is by telling a story. Ensure you have a captivating reason as to why people should focus their attention on your project. This could be through making them feel connected with your ‘why’ and highlighting the opportunity to become a part of something greater. Be sure to also share the story in every way possible by utilising press releases, sponsored articles etc.
What are some examples of great marketing for NFT projects?
Doodles is a community-driven project showcasing Burnt Toast’s artwork, first minted on October 17th, 2021. Predominantly, their success is due to their incredible community and their hard work dedicated to engagement. Of course, their eye-catching and vibrant pieces helped to start a trend that we now see throughout many other projects.
Invisible friends
Invisible friends were able to secure one of the most successful NFT project launches to date, securing $6.5 million before releasing their reveal. Again, another example of the importance of a strong community and following, even before dropping the artwork to increase the hype.
Want to learn more about marketing your own NFT? Make sure to check out Tim Haldorsson’s Lunar Strategy NFT Marketing company! His team are more than qualified to help you guarantee your project sells out, and fast! Plus, find him on twitter via @TimHaldorsson.