Where are you from? (Provide a little bit of your background, have you moved etc)
I was born and raised in a small farming town in Spain and I always find in it a universe full of personalities and places rarely represented. I think that this condition has been linked to my sensitive perspective of seeing the world.
Back in 2017, I moved to Madrid to keep on growing my artistic background. Since then I’ve lived in New Zealand and currently I’m staying around New Mexico, USA.
Can you tell us about your background and what led you down the path to becoming an artist and ultimately experimenting with NFTs?
I studied photography and film during my time at university. Later I became interested in digital art and it wasn’t until a year ago that I started experimenting with 3D. I think that both, cinema and photography, have a link when I create my artwork.
When did you mint your first NFT? What platform did you choose and why?
It was in March 2021, I received an invitation to be part of the Foundation platform and that’s how I got into the world of NFTs. Nowadays I’m only using Foundation but I would like to create collections for other platforms.
Can you tell us one thing you cannot live without?
Art in general, the idea of creating or traveling. They’re the most precious things that make you grow as a professional or as an artist.
Who is your favorite artist(s) (Non NFT)? What about their style resonates with you?
My favorite artists are linked within the world of cinema: Buñuel, Svankmajer, Ulrich Seidl or Matthew Barney, among many. The way of perceiving and creating their own world has something surreal and catastrophic similar to my perception.

Who is your favorite NFT artist? What makes this artist unique?
My favorite NFts artists are Jimmy Edgar, Kitasavi and Jason Ebeyer. I think each of them has a lot to contribute to the world of art and NFTs and it would be amazing the opportunity of collaborating with them.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why this location?
I would love to visit Japan, no city in particular, just touring the country and enjoying its culture.
What are your other passions besides art? Why?
I would say nature and listening to old people’s stories, it’s where I get more inspired and gives me energy to bring my own world.

Do you make other forms of art?
I made a metal dress for Nathy Peluso, together with the artist Maria Alcazar and I really liked living that experience. Also, I’m currently making some paintings for a movie and I’m enjoying it. I would like to continue developing different art in the future.
How did you come up with your specific style?
My style came up from the idea of using bodies in a sort of a catastrophic world and making it look beautiful.
How has your style evolved over the years?
I think it has changed quite a bit and as I continue to create it will continue to change. I started with the 3D world a year ago so throughout my professional career I’m sure it will change.

What is coming in the near future?
I am currently working on my ‘Malva’ collection (some pieces can be found in Foundation) and I would like to continue developing it and create other collections.